This specification is under heavy development. It is not yet stable.
This is a light-weight Linked Data specification for publishing a tiled road network. It makes use of the general concept of a “Way” that contains “Nodes”. Potential “Relations” indicate whether you are allowed to take a turn or not. It takes the model of OpenStreetMap (OSM). We try stay as close to what's in OSM as possible, we don't validate tags or their values. When a server publishes their road network using this specification, a client can automatically discover this and route over it on the fly.
In order to make it known to a client that these are routable tiles, a client must rely on these hypermedia controls:
{ "@context": { "tiles": "", "hydra": "", "osm": "", "rdfs": "", "geo": "", "dcterms": "", "dcterms:license": {"@type": "@id"}, "hydra:variableRepresentation": {"@type": "@id"}, "hydra:property": {"@type": "@id"}, "osm:nodes": { "@container": "@list", "@type": "@id" }, "osm:members": { "@container": "@list", "@type": "@id" } }, "@id": "«currentPageURL»", "tiles:zoom": 14, "tiles:longitudeTile": 8398, "tiles:latitudeTile": 5463, "dcterms:isPartOf": { "@id": "", "@type": "hydra:Collection", "dcterms:license": "", "dcterms:rights": "", "hydra:search": { "@type": "hydra:IriTemplate", "hydra:template": "{x}/{y}", "hydra:variableRepresentation": "hydra:BasicRepresentation", "hydra:mapping": [ { "@type": "hydra:IriTemplateMapping", "hydra:variable": "x", "hydra:property": "tiles:longitudeTile", "hydra:required": true }, { "@type": "hydra:IriTemplateMapping", "hydra:variable": "y", "hydra:property": "tiles:latitudeTile", "hydra:required": true } ] } }, "@graph" : [ ... other data ... ] }
Each Way, Relation and Node must be identified by an HTTP URI. In each Fragment of data, identified by a URL created with a template as described in Hypermedia Controls, Ways are the first subjects that are taken into account.
Describing a WayA Way must contain the following properties when mentioned in a tile:
Describing Nodes
While Ways are described across tiles, each Node only appears once except nodes that are part of ways crossing tile boundaries. In order to find a full list of Nodes for a Way, a client needs to download more tiles of nodes belonging to a Way.
A Node can also describe restrictions, usually in the form of barriers:
Turn restrictions need to be modeled using a Relation. See the OSM documentation on turn restrictions.
An example{ "@context" : { ... See top... } "@graph": [ { "@id": "#Way1", "@type": "osm:Way", "rdfs:label": "Chaussée de Haecht - Haachtsesteenweg", "osm:maxspeed": "30", "osm:highway": "osm:tertiary", "osm:nodes" : [ "#Node1", "#Node2" ] }, { "@id": "#Node1", "geo:long": 3.14, "geo:lat": 51.2 }, { "@id": "#Node2", "geo:long": 3.12, "geo:lat": 51.32 "osm:barrier": "osm:bollard" "osm:foot": "osm:yes" "osm:bicycle": "osm:yes" }, { "@id": "#Node3", "geo:long": 3.22, "geo:lat": 51.22 }, { "@id": "#Way2", "@type": "osm:Way", "rdfs:label": "Rue Cornet de Grez - Cornet de Grezstraat", "osm:highway": "osm:residential", "osm:oneway": "yes", "osm:oneway-bicycle": "no", "osm:highway": "osm:tertiary", "osm:nodes" : [ "#Node1", "#Node3" ] }, { "@id": "#TurnRestriction1", "@type": "osm:Relation", "osm:restriction":"osm:no_right_turn", "osm:members" : [ { "@id": "#Way1", "@type": "osm:Way", "osm:role": "osm:from" }, { "@id": "#Way2", "@type": "osm:Way", "osm:role": "osm:to" }, { "@id": "#Node1", "@type": "osm:Node", "osm:role": "osm:via" } ] } ] }
When working on live data, query consistency must be able to be guaranteed by requesting the tiles from a specific moment. In order to access older versions, the Memento protocol must be followed. Older versions can in this way be exposed via the Accept-Datetime header.
The Linked Data from the tiles must be provided in JSON-LD with a content-type application/ld+json.
Other Content-Types may be served using content-negotiation, such as GeoJSON, N-Quads, TriG...
As defined above, we have 3 main classes: osm:Way, osm:Relation and osm:Node.
Propertiesosm:from, osm:to and osm:via are predicates to indicate how a Relation maps Ways and Nodes.
osm:restriction is used to model turn restrictions. There are 9 possibilities as a range:
The property osm:nodes is used to link to an rdf:List of osm:Node items. In one page, multiple lists can be described. If a Way crosses a tile, the other tile also mentioned the border Node in one of its rdf:Lists. The property osm:members is used to link to an rdf:List of osm:Member items.